
Teachers in Engineering

Teachers in College Life When our subject teacher is absent or busy in doing some other work and not able to take class then our faces bloom like a flower. This time we feel real freedom but when we are making noise and doing fun in classroom in a free lecture, then suddenly a teacher comes and says " Why are you people making too much noise, if your lecture is free than I will take it as arrangement lecture" is the moment at which our freedom is totally taken out.Than we have to sit silent and we have nothing to do.  But there are some teachers who make us laugh, crack jokes, and make whole class their fan. Some teachers are so boring and more than half asleep in their class. Even some teachers no let us sleep or not let our head down so the only option in their class is to sit properly otherwise go outside from class. Some teachers try to be funny, they crack jokes but those jokes are so much lame that they leads us to groans. Some teachers are too much attractive so we jus

Induction Program in Engineering

Induction Program of College: For the freshers who took new admission in an engineering college, College organize an induction program so that students get familiar with college life, with teachers, with their department, with their seniors, with the college campus, and with the engineering. All the fresh-up students will taken to various wonderful facilities around the campus, laboratories, grounds, auditorium as well as outside the campus also. Induction is a two week program that is organize to make the fresher students familiar with the college life.  The purpose of this program is:- 1. To get familiar with the teaching staff who will teach you in first year. 2. To get familiar with new environment. 3. To get familiar with administration of the college. 4. To understand the purpose of engineering. 5. To understand human values. 6. To be aware about the academic life. 7. To be learn the objective, scope and outcomes of engineering. The behavior of college staff and administration ar


Relationships in Engineering Life: After entering in a college life, most of the people or we can say everyone  wants a partner who can understand their feelings, who can support them, with whom a person can share all of their problems,  who always stay with them. So people go in a relationship, so that both of them can take care of each other. But to get a partner who always take care of you and you also be with him/her is not easy. There are many types of relationships in college life. Some of them are last long for years, or forever. Whereas some of them ends in only some days or months. Being in a relationship with the person you like is one of the most happiest moment of life but breaking up of a relationship causes mental disturbance, stress and depression also. Affection : Some times the foundation of a relationships are only infatuation or just an affection. As soon as the affection ends then you will start feeling like suffocation in that relationship. Then you want to be alon

Life as an engineer

College life is that stage of life for which everyone is waiting. And the college life of an engineering student is so much amazing if we compare it with any of other streams. There are so many ups and downs in it. An engineering student live all the best moments of life in those 4 years. All the emotions of life they feel it in those years. There we make so many friends. There we learn that true friends always disrespect each other by words because besties are made for disrespect but from the heart they always respect each other.  College life becomes easy with good friends specially for those who came from too far and shift into hostel. There we meet many kind of people like crazy, self-centered, innocent, talkative, people who are very sweet in front of face but they can win a gold medal in back bitching, toppers, bunkers who are always ready to leave the class, and many more. Sometimes we get irrit