First Year of Engineering

First Year of College

After entering in the college we all are too much excited and curious about college life. College life is the one of the most beautiful time of our life and when we left the college after the completion of engineering we will miss it for our whole life. 

The first year is like an introductory paragraph for this beautiful story. When you entered in college you will meet many people who are from different cities, different states, of different cultures, and make so many friends in the induction program of college. You will also excited for academics.

In other streams student have to face main exam in a year but engineering students have to prepare for semester exams that held in every 6 months. In first year, some students will too much concern for academics because they think that how can they face exams in every six months and some students totally ignore academics because they think that this year of college is made just for fun and studies can be do later. 

Seniors in College:

You will also excited to meet your seniors. Initially you also have some fear of ragging (although ragging is now banned in colleges but sometimes seniors do fun with you without any intention of hurting you). Mostly hostlers are more in terror because they have to face their seniors after college time also.

Sometimes your seniors will do some pranks for just with do but they doesn't want to hurt you by their action. Seniors are really nice and they will help and guide you for your academics, career and future.
Some seniors may became as your elder brother or sister. Some of seniors may also became your crush.

And most of the girls will have a boyfriend who is their senior. 
For boys it is difficult to make a senior girl as their girlfriend. Some students also tries to impress their teachers too.

Teachers in First Year:

You will meet too many types of teachers like funny one, irritating one, teacher who always crack lame jokes in class, the motivator, demotivator, too much strict, a teacher who always want to share knowledge even in fun time, overconfident one and so many.

Some teachers always tease you or always punch you for everything you did like there is only you are present in whole class. Some teachers gives you nicknames also for you like padaku, your surname, disturbing element, etc. or they may give nicknames to your gang also like garden area, defaulters, and many more.


In first year you don't know your classmates properly, some of them become your friend at the beginning but may after some time you will not feel that they are same as you think previously they are. Some students of your class are too funny, some are too sensitive, some are back-bitchers, some are sincere, some are self-centered and so on. 


There is nothing new and hard in syllabus of 1st year. You have to study only those topics that you already studies in your school. Few topics may new but you can easily understand them if you put some effort to learn them. You can easily score goods marks if you show some sincerity toward your studies.

The studies and fun can be easily managed and you can enjoy your whole first year with too much good result. The work load in first year is too low if you compare it with other years, so you can easily concentrate on developing required skills of your field. 


Whether the work load and stress is no too much but exam time always leads too much anxiety in you and this is your first time to face the examination of B. Tech. you  will may some nervous for it also.
But  exam time is also one of the fun time of first year. You have to study without anyone guidelines, no one pressure you for study, you have to cope with everything your own .And study with friends is most enjoyable moment.

You study whole night before your exam with your friends and cracking jokes with them or doing fun with them in for some minutes will make you feel refresh and you can easily concentrate in studies, but excess of fun can also leads to disturb or wandering off from studies.
The exam days are also really special and memorable.

All these memories are priceless. Some of them may funny, embarrassing, emotional, sentimental, bad, good but you will miss them after your graduation.
